Food intimately reflects emotion, thought, ideas, relationships, place, the way we connect with the world, and so much more. Food for Reflection is a space to share recipes, inspiration, and personal story. We hope you visit often– hungry for thought provoking content.
About the Creator
Food for Reflection is brought to you by Carrie Carson, writer, thinker, and lover of good food. Born in a small town in Upstate New York’s Hudson Valley, she was inspired by her dad’s backyard garden, mom’s knowledge of the natural world and baking skills, and the many small farms in her community.
Carrie has been an experiential cook and environmental enthusiast her whole life. An early opportunity to study the farming landscape and work with Farm to Food Pantry programing jump started her journey in the newly emerging food sytems field.
Carrie attended Roanoke College and received her B.S. in Environmental Science. She then served two terms as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, first with a foodbank, and then in sustainable agriculture programming. Both brought light to the extent of food insecurity–but approached the issue with different and thought provoking strategies. These experiences have had a profound impact on the way she perceives food and thinks about the world.
Carrie now lives in Appalachia Ohio where she continues to work with nonprofits on sustainable food systems and thinks about the world while cooking in her small but functional kitchen with her dog Blue.