We build an image in our head of true friendship
Of closeness, dedication, and being there no matter what
Of staying up until 3 AM together laughing, long phone calls, and road trips
Of watching each other grow old
We think we find true friendship and we hold it close
Maybe so close that we smother it
We let ourselves be so vulnerable that we are for once truly ourselves
But somehow friendship turns into hollow transactions
Hello, goodbye, and, how are you?
We become so self aware of our inner flaws
At first suspicion of less than a true friend we unintentionally push them away
We become wall builders and trench diggers
10 feet high and infinitely long might suffice
It should keep them at bay
But a true friend comes equipped with a sledge hammer
They’re expert bridge builders and know just what to say
They’re able to break in when we can’t break out
So give up the resistance, they’re here to stay
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